Monday, May 17, 2010

Marriage conflicts

Every marriage has its conflicts and problems, just like any other relationship. Ups and downs, but they should be balanced, and better if there are more ups than downs.
Many conflicts are because of trust issues, dissatisfaction after years of perfectness, disrespect, misunderstandings, lack of communication, among others. Marriage and other relationships also are influenced by love, time spent, and even temptations.
The lack of communication is a big factor of divorces and break ups of any relationship. If there's a problem, the only way to solve it is to talk about it and communicate with the other person, and even ask them how they feel about the problem, or even if they see the problem you see. Also, respect is very important because if you want someone to respect your personal space and yourself, you have to start by respecting yourself and respect other how you'd like to be respected. If you don't like people touching you then don't put clothing that insinuates that you want to be touched, or if you don't like to be sarcastically insulted, then try to not use sarcasm as a resource for your every day talk.
Remember, relationships require time, trust, communication, and most of all, love.

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